Assalamu'alaikum Ahlan Wasahlan

Interaksi Budaya Code I

Give the explaination of pluralistc societies?

According to wikipedia in the social sciences, pluralism is a framework of interaction in which groups show sufficient respect and tolerance of each other, that they fruitfully coexist and interact without conflict or assimilation.
According to glossary of education, pluralistic society is a society comprised of people from numerous different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Although some integration and acculturation is only natural, a pluralistic society is one that acknowledges and allows for the cultural diversity of its citizens.
So, I get the point that pluralistic societies is a society include a group of people from numerous different cultural and ethnic backgrounds show sufficient respect and tolerance of each other in the citizens.

Whether Indonesia is pluralistic societies? If yes, then give the evidences of it. (at least 2 evidences) 
It is a natural phenomenon that pluralistic society is nothing new for Indonesia.
1.      Indonesia has a various religious, culture, language, ethnic, etc.
2.      In my town, Bekasi, the neighbor between the other neighbors have different culture. There are from West Java, North Sumatra, or Central Java. They live bound together with a peace because they are mutual tolerance by each other.
Based on your definition, what is culture? What are the relationships between cultures to the society?
My opinion, culture is everyday life style. Cultures and society is interrelated because with the habits in the society, cultural formed.  

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